Managing director Torsten Glittenberg
Company register Marburg/Lahn HRB 5011
Sales tax ID No. DE 814 517 634
Sales tax No. 26 248 35263

Goldbachstraße 10
35066 Frankenberg

Tel +49 (0) 6451 230987-0
Fax +49 (0) 6451 230987-50
E-mail: info(at)

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We explicitly note that the designations, trademarks, logos and brand names listed and shown on this website are the property of the corresponding companies and/or persons and are subject to copyright!

Internet conditions
The Internet is a decentralized network with intermediate storage and transfer of temporary data. A guarantee that manipulation or inadvertent falsification will be eliminated and a guarantee that only updated data will be used (e.g., old version still in cache) in the communication path between supplier and user are therefore not possible at this time. We therefore note these system-related limitations as follows: You receive this data under the conditions of the Internet. No liability can therefore be assumed for the correctness of the data and their conformity with the original data.

In its decision dated May 12, 1998, the District Court Hamburg decided that when a link is published, the publisher of the link may also be responsible for the content of the linked page.


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